All the live streaming shows are FREE
and can be seen on our Home Page May 12 - 16 at 7 pm each night.
Please fill out the contact sheet to RSVP live streaming and let us know what shows you would like to see. This is optional and helps us track the success of the first annual Baton Rouge Improv Festival.
All the performances FREE. Please make a donation of any kind to help by clicking on the go Fund Me logo. Please be generous if you can! Your donation will go to support the improvisers performing and attending and support workshop scholarships and our future programming.
Each night will also have a safe live in-person event where a small audience can view the streaming shows together and improv performances from local performers and the festival host filming the live stream. These live performances all be available on the live stream!
Please RSVP below for all Live events. Tickets will be required to attending the in-person show on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at the River Center Branch Library space is limited and tickets will be checked at the door.